This cause was part of Schools Back Race
This unique race URL is https://ecoracing.co/cause/rare-autoinflammatory-conditions-community-uk-racc-uk-2661/

RACC-UK supports patients with Rare Autoinflammatory Conditions and their families. By buying a balloon, most of your payment goes straight to RACC-UK to support its work. See https://raccuk.com/

This virtual balloon race involves no litter, plastics, or other waste of the earth's resources: a clever computer programme tracks your imaginary balloon (which you can customise, decorate and name) from its imaginary launch as it follows real weather patterns over real maps, and there are prizes (£100 or and Alexa Dot) for the two which get furthest, as the crow flies, in a week.

The race "launches" in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, at 12 noon on 20th September 2024.

Our fundraising target is: £100

Gross monies raised so far: £12

Supporters so far: 1

Tagged in: RACC RACCUK Rare diseases Autoinflammatory

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View race results

Top 20 balloons within cause

  • #1 PMD Silverdale 2: travelled 287.01km FINISHED
    Race position: 7
    Cause position: 1

  • #2 AGD Silverdale 2: travelled 268.26km FINISHED
    Race position: 18
    Cause position: 2

  • #3 PMD Silverdale 1: travelled 251.85km FINISHED
    Race position: 44
    Cause position: 3

  • #4 AGD Silverdale 1: travelled 251.17km FINISHED
    Race position: 46
    Cause position: 4

Supporter Balloons (4)

  • PMD Silverdale 2 joined the race on September 9, 2024, 12:47 PM
    Cause position: 1
    Race position: 7

  • AGD Silverdale 2 joined the race on September 9, 2024, 12:47 PM
    Cause position: 2
    Race position: 18

  • PMD Silverdale 1 joined the race on September 9, 2024, 12:47 PM
    Cause position: 3
    Race position: 44

  • AGD Silverdale 1 joined the race on September 9, 2024, 12:47 PM
    Cause position: 4
    Race position: 46