Hope's Cat Colony

This cause was part of QE II Platinum Jubilee Race
This unique race URL is https://ecoracing.co/cause/hopes-cat-colony-2123/

To pay our vet bills so we can help more poorly cats. They have just built up so much as we can't say no to helping a cat in need.

Our fundraising target is: £750

Gross monies raised so far: £12

Supporters so far: 1

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View race results

Top 20 balloons within cause

  • #1 Tom: travelled 135.39km FINISHED
    Race position: 433
    Cause position: 1

  • #2 Laura: travelled 43.14km FINISHED
    Race position: 3023
    Cause position: 2

  • #3 TrisDuck: travelled 6.29km FINISHED
    Race position: 3347
    Cause position: 3

Supporter Balloons (3)

  • Tom joined the race on March 8, 2022, 3:59 PM
    Cause position: 1
    Race position: 433

  • Laura joined the race on March 8, 2022, 3:59 PM
    Cause position: 2
    Race position: 3023

  • TrisDuck joined the race on March 8, 2022, 3:59 PM
    Cause position: 3
    Race position: 3347