1st Fatfield Scouts' World Scout Jamboree Participants

This cause was part of QE II Platinum Jubilee Race
This unique race URL is https://ecoracing.co/cause/1st-fatfield-scouts-world-scout-jamboree-participants-2198/

We are Scouts / Explorers from 1st Fatfield Scouts and have been selected to join 33 other young people from across Durham to attend the World Scout Jamboree in South Korea in August 2023. We will be part of the UK contingency and will join 50,000 Scouts from around the world!

The opportunity includes discovering new cultures, learning new skills, being adventurous and making lasting memories that will shape our futures. We are very proud and excited to be representing Durham Scouts, as we have been selected out of hundreds of applicants for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

More info at: www.2023wsjkorea.org

We need to raise £3895 each over the next 12 months and have already begun our fundraising with the Boxing Day Dip, car washing, car boot sales and craft fayres and we are planning many more events such as: this virtual balloon race, local Treasure Hunt, clothes collections, cake sales and quiz nights.

This Virtual Balloon Race is a fun and easy way for everyone to join in, with no negative environmental impact on wildlife, climate change, plastic litter etc.

A balloon only costs £4 and you can buy one for yourself or one for a friend. Your friend will be given a code which they can then register their own balloon.

You can design your own colour, pattern, text. You can even decide how thick you want the balloon and how much helium to put in it! Everything about this race is real except the balloon which is virtual and eco-friendly. The balloon race will start from Westminster Abbey on 2nd June and last for 7 days. You will be able track your balloon online. The direction of the balloon and how fast it goes depends on the real weather forecast.

Please share with family and friends and maybe win a great prize!

National prizes
1st £500
2nd Amazon Alexa / Echo Dot 4th generation
3rd 10 x winners of £10 Book Tokens
Plus other local prizes

This is a seven-day computer simulation race where everything is real except the balloon. The software uses current live weather data to determine the progress of each balloon and each entry can be tracked on Google Maps and Satellites once launched. It has no negative environmental impact on wildlife, climate change, plastic waste or litter. So BUY YOUR BALLOON NOW and help us achieve our dream of going to the World Scout Jamboree!

Thank you for supporting us and good luck!

David, Erin and Matthew

Our fundraising target is: £300

Gross monies raised so far: £0

Supporters so far: 0

Tagged in: DreamWild UK25WSJ

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