NAPA - Christmas Shopping Race

This cause was part of Christmas Shopping Race
This unique race URL is

NAPA (National Activity Providers Association) is a national charity that supports care service to prioritise wellbeing. We support, connect and motivate those with an interest in engagement, well-being and lifestyle.

The NAPA Support Line is here to support care providers to plan activities so that those with care and support needs can enjoy meaningful connection and conversation.

The NAPA Support Line provides FREE advice, support and information about activity, arts, and engagement for staff and family carers providing care, support and meaningful engagement.

You can call us FREE on 0800 1585503 or email [email protected]

We really need your help to enable us to respond to as many phone calls and emails as possible. We would like to raise £1000 which will help to fund the Support Line.

All donations matter, with your support we can make a difference.

This virtual balloon race is a great, environmentally friendly, fun way to help us fundraise. You can buy a balloon and customise it’s shape, colour, thickness, and helium level.

The balloons will be ‘launched' on the 25th of December 2022. They are then subjected to a simulated flight pattern based on the actual weather conditions such as the prevailing wind speed and current temperature. This simulation uses an advanced computer modelling programme linked to Google maps and a commercial weather data supplier. Anyone can follow the leading 100 balloons online through the 7 days of the race.

The winning balloon (£100 prize) is the one that has flown the furthest in a straight line from the launch location. Interestingly, a popped/burst balloon can still win if the wind direction changes and sends the still-flying balloons backwards in a reverse direction.

We are hoping that you will get involved, not only by buying a balloon (or more) but by holding launch parties for friends, relatives, families, activities that celebrate Christmas or hold a week of balloon-related activities, tracking your balloons progress.
EACH BALLOON COSTS £3, from this NAPA will receive £2.38 per balloon.

Thank you for reading this far, and for buying a balloon. Click below to buy and customise your balloons. (Due to data protection we cannot see who has bought the balloons, so unless you let us know we cannot easily thank you…
Our fundraising target is: £5000

Our fundraising target is: £5000

Gross monies raised so far: £15

Supporters so far: 2

Tagged in: NAPA NAPAPrioritising Wellbeing

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View race results

Top 20 balloons within cause

  • #1 PMD Silverdale 2: travelled 255.39km FINISHED
    Race position: 2
    Cause position: 1

  • #2 AGD Silverdale 2: travelled 253.63km FINISHED
    Race position: 3
    Cause position: 2

  • #3 AGD Silverdale 1: travelled 221.35km FINISHED
    Race position: 46
    Cause position: 3

  • #4 PMD Silverdale 1: travelled 216.12km FINISHED
    Race position: 65
    Cause position: 4

  • #5 Ty Eirin care home: travelled 24.97km FINISHED
    Race position: 797
    Cause position: 5

Supporter Balloons (5)

  • PMD Silverdale 2 joined the race on November 20, 2022, 10:27 AM
    Cause position: 1
    Race position: 2

  • AGD Silverdale 2 joined the race on November 20, 2022, 10:27 AM
    Cause position: 2
    Race position: 3

  • AGD Silverdale 1 joined the race on November 20, 2022, 10:27 AM
    Cause position: 3
    Race position: 46

  • PMD Silverdale 1 joined the race on November 20, 2022, 10:27 AM
    Cause position: 4
    Race position: 65

  • Ty Eirin care home joined the race on November 9, 2022, 3:22 PM
    Cause position: 5
    Race position: 797