Virginia Water FC Youth

This cause was part of Easter Race
This unique race URL is

Rennovation of the Clubhouse & Club Facilities

Our fundraising target is: £800

Gross monies raised so far: £249

Supporters so far: 20

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View race results

Top 20 balloons within cause

  • #1 Go Ravens: travelled 133.62km POPPED
    Race position: 3
    Cause position: 1

  • #2 Balloon: travelled 128.64km POPPED
    Race position: 9
    Cause position: 2

  • #3 Balloon: travelled 109.95km POPPED
    Race position: 30
    Cause position: 3

  • #4 Rayaan 1: travelled 103.52km FINISHED
    Race position: 46
    Cause position: 4

  • #5 Balloon: travelled 101.49km FINISHED
    Race position: 68
    Cause position: 5

  • #6 Virginia Water FC: travelled 100.02km POPPED
    Race position: 99
    Cause position: 6

  • #7 Balloon: travelled 99.95km FINISHED
    Race position: 105
    Cause position: 7

  • #8 Rayaan 2: travelled 99.73km FINISHED
    Race position: 110
    Cause position: 8

  • #9 Balloon: travelled 99.68km FINISHED
    Race position: 112
    Cause position: 9

  • #10 Balloon: travelled 99.10km FINISHED
    Race position: 129
    Cause position: 10

  • #11 Balloon: travelled 97.03km POPPED
    Race position: 172
    Cause position: 11

  • #12 Balloon: travelled 96.91km FINISHED
    Race position: 176
    Cause position: 12

  • #13 Balloon: travelled 96.70km POPPED
    Race position: 178
    Cause position: 13

  • #14 Ezra: travelled 95.07km FINISHED
    Race position: 200
    Cause position: 14

  • #15 Balloon: travelled 94.95km FINISHED
    Race position: 201
    Cause position: 15

  • #16 Sami 2: travelled 94.73km FINISHED
    Race position: 206
    Cause position: 16

  • #17 Balloon: travelled 94.72km FINISHED
    Race position: 208
    Cause position: 17

  • #18 Balloon: travelled 93.72km FINISHED
    Race position: 231
    Cause position: 18

  • #19 Balloon: travelled 93.40km FINISHED
    Race position: 236
    Cause position: 19

  • #20 Essie is the best: travelled 93.40km FINISHED
    Race position: 237
    Cause position: 20

Supporter Balloons (83)

  • Go Ravens joined the race on March 15, 2024, 10:19 PM
    Cause position: 1
    Race position: 3

  • Balloon joined the race on March 15, 2024, 7:30 PM
    Cause position: 2
    Race position: 9

  • Balloon joined the race on March 17, 2024, 9:24 AM
    Cause position: 3
    Race position: 30

  • Rayaan 1 joined the race on March 25, 2024, 11:40 AM
    Cause position: 4
    Race position: 46

  • Balloon joined the race on March 17, 2024, 2:18 PM
    Cause position: 5
    Race position: 68

  • Virginia Water FC joined the race on March 30, 2024, 7:04 AM
    Cause position: 6
    Race position: 99

  • Balloon joined the race on March 26, 2024, 9:15 PM
    Cause position: 7
    Race position: 105

  • Rayaan 2 joined the race on March 25, 2024, 11:40 AM
    Cause position: 8
    Race position: 110

  • Balloon joined the race on March 17, 2024, 2:18 PM
    Cause position: 9
    Race position: 112

  • Balloon joined the race on March 26, 2024, 9:15 PM
    Cause position: 10
    Race position: 129