Jas & Lexie travel to Mexico with Girl Guiding
This cause was part of Christmas Race
This unique race URL is https://ecoracing.co/cause/jas-and-lexie-travel-to-mexico-with-girl-guiding-37/
Jasmine and Lexie are travelling to Mexico next Summer with Dittons District Rangers. They will be spending time at the Guiding World Centre ‘Our Cabana’ where they will meet Guides from around the World.
Most importantly they will be participating in a Service project at Mayto Turtle Camp where they will be working with the turtle conservation trust. Tasks will include locating and tagging hatchlings and nests, relocating nest sites and caring for injured turtles and other marine life. They will be sleeping on the beach as much of our work will be during the night!
This virtual balloon race is a great, environmentally friendly, fun way to help us fundraise. You can buy a balloon and customise it’s shape, colour, thickness, and helium level. The ‘balloons’ will be launched from Santa’s home in Lapland on Christmas Day, and the race will last for 7 days.
The balloons will be ‘launched’ on Christmas Day. They are then subjected to a simulated flight pattern based on the actual weather conditions such as the prevailing wind speed and current temperature. This simulation uses an advanced computer modelling programme linked to Google maps and a commercial weather data supplier. Anyone can follow the leading 100 balloons online through the 7 days of the race.
The winning balloon (£500 prize) is the one that has flown the furthest in a straight line from the launch location. Interestingly, a popped / burst balloon can still win if the wind direction changes and sends the still-flying balloons backwards in a reverse direction.
Thank you for reading this far, and for buying a balloon. Click below to buy and customise your balloons. (Due to data protection I cannot see who has bought the balloons, so unless you let me know we cannot easily thank you… so THANK YOU!)
Our fundraising target is: £6000
Gross monies raised so far: £147
Supporters so far: 17
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View race resultsTop 20 balloons within cause
#0 Aussie Tom: FINISHED
#0 Balloon: POPPED
#0 Tortuga: FINISHED
#0 Balloon: POPPED
#0 Balloon: POPPED
#0 Balloon: POPPED
#0 Balloon: FINISHED
#0 Balloon: FINISHED
#0 Balloon: FINISHED
#0 Balloon: FINISHED
#0 Balloon: FINISHED
#0 Balloon: FINISHED
#0 Gramp's Special: FINISHED
#0 Lavender land: FINISHED
#0 Alanagh : POPPED
#0 Dr P balloon 4: FINISHED
#0 Dr P balloon 3: POPPED
#0 Dr P balloon 2: FINISHED
#0 Dr P balloon 1: FINISHED
#0 Balloon: POPPED
Supporter Balloons (49)
Saskia joined the race on December 24, 2019, 10:22 PM
Eleanor joined the race on December 24, 2019, 10:20 PM
Turtle clause joined the race on December 24, 2019, 4:07 PM
Balloon joined the race on December 24, 2019, 12:36 PM
Balloon joined the race on December 24, 2019, 12:36 PM
Pegasus joined the race on December 24, 2019, 12:02 PM
Unicorn joined the race on December 24, 2019, 12:02 PM
Penguin joined the race on December 24, 2019, 12:02 PM
Bear joined the race on December 24, 2019, 12:02 PM
Giraffe joined the race on December 24, 2019, 12:02 PM