Roselan's Machu Picchu Challenge Fundraising

This cause was part of Christmas Race
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Hello I am Roselan, and I am the Challenge Leader for the Royal Holloway Peru Challenge 2020!

I am leading a team to Peru with Challenges Abroad, and we will be fundraising for Future Sense Foundation. FSF are committed to delivering on the United Nations Goals for Sustainable Development through long-term programmes, delivered by volunteers, focusing on education, health and livelihood support.

The focus of my volunteering is to work with schoolchildren, facilitating workshops on STEM and life skills, as well as educating them on important topics such as sanitation, clean water and bullying. We will also be working on a renovation programme to help provide and improve facilities at a local partner school.

The balloons will be ‘launched’ on Christmas Day from Lapland. They are then subjected to a simulated flight pattern based on the actual weather conditions such as the prevailing wind speed and current temperature. This simulation uses an advanced computer modelling programme linked to Google maps and a commercial weather data supplier. Anyone can follow the leading 100 balloons online through the 7 days of the race.

The winning balloon (£500 prize) is the one that has flown the furthest in a straight line from the launch location. Interestingly, a popped / burst balloon can still win if the wind direction changes and sends the still-flying balloons backwards in a reverse direction.

Click below to buy and customise your balloons. Please let me know if you have purchased a balloon because it does not let me know who has done!

Thank you so much for all your support!

Our fundraising target is: £1850

Gross monies raised so far: £12

Supporters so far: 3

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Top 20 balloons within cause

  • #0 Balloon: POPPED

  • #0 Balloon: POPPED

  • #0 Balloon: POPPED

  • #0 Zack's Ballon: FINISHED

Supporter Balloons (4)

  • Balloon joined the race on November 16, 2019, 11:02 PM

  • Zack's Ballon joined the race on November 12, 2019, 10:27 AM

  • Balloon joined the race on November 12, 2019, 9:40 AM

  • Balloon joined the race on November 12, 2019, 9:40 AM