This cause was part of Halloween Race
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We want to be able to support Alderton infant and junior schools to provide extra curricular activities for the children throughout the school year and to also be able to help them further their outdoor learning facilities.

Our fundraising target is: £3000

Gross monies raised so far: £216

Supporters so far: 27

Tagged in: alderton aldertoninfant aldertonjunior aldertonschools aldertonptfa

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View race results

Top 20 balloons within cause

  • #1 Balloon: travelled 320.65km FINISHED
    Race position: 9
    Cause position: 1

  • #2 J H: travelled 316.62km FINISHED
    Race position: 13
    Cause position: 2

  • #3 Balloon: travelled 308.15km FINISHED
    Race position: 27
    Cause position: 3

  • #4 Eva Blinman: travelled 249.15km POPPED
    Race position: 64
    Cause position: 4

  • #5 Balloon: travelled 248.95km FINISHED
    Race position: 66
    Cause position: 5

  • #6 Helikopter: travelled 244.97km FINISHED
    Race position: 79
    Cause position: 6

  • #7 Kicko: travelled 204.26km FINISHED
    Race position: 161
    Cause position: 7

  • #8 George si Dani: travelled 203.00km FINISHED
    Race position: 167
    Cause position: 8

  • #9 MIAOW: travelled 201.66km FINISHED
    Race position: 173
    Cause position: 9

  • #10 Alex: travelled 199.43km FINISHED
    Race position: 195
    Cause position: 10

  • #11 Balloon: travelled 198.95km FINISHED
    Race position: 203
    Cause position: 11

  • #12 Balloon: travelled 198.22km FINISHED
    Race position: 209
    Cause position: 12

  • #13 Inflated ego: travelled 197.24km FINISHED
    Race position: 223
    Cause position: 13

  • #14 David Ojog: travelled 196.44km FINISHED
    Race position: 241
    Cause position: 14

  • #15 Bob : travelled 195.89km FINISHED
    Race position: 247
    Cause position: 15

  • #16 Balloon: travelled 195.24km FINISHED
    Race position: 257
    Cause position: 16

  • #17 Balloon: travelled 193.20km FINISHED
    Race position: 282
    Cause position: 17

  • #18 Balloon: travelled 191.42km POPPED
    Race position: 300
    Cause position: 18

  • #19 GEESE AND DUCKS WILL WIN: travelled 190.56km FINISHED
    Race position: 309
    Cause position: 19

  • #20 Balloon: travelled 190.34km POPPED
    Race position: 312
    Cause position: 20

Supporter Balloons (72)

  • Balloon joined the race on September 19, 2023, 10:00 PM
    Cause position: 11
    Race position: 203

  • Balloon joined the race on September 19, 2023, 10:00 PM
    Cause position: 12
    Race position: 209

  • Inflated ego joined the race on September 24, 2023, 5:25 PM
    Cause position: 13
    Race position: 223

  • David Ojog joined the race on September 19, 2023, 6:11 PM
    Cause position: 14
    Race position: 241

  • Bob joined the race on September 27, 2023, 7:00 PM
    Cause position: 15
    Race position: 247

  • Balloon joined the race on October 1, 2023, 9:18 PM
    Cause position: 16
    Race position: 257

  • Balloon joined the race on September 19, 2023, 10:00 PM
    Cause position: 17
    Race position: 282

  • Balloon joined the race on September 19, 2023, 10:00 PM
    Cause position: 18
    Race position: 300

  • GEESE AND DUCKS WILL WIN joined the race on October 20, 2023, 4:48 PM
    Cause position: 19
    Race position: 309

  • Balloon joined the race on September 19, 2023, 10:00 PM
    Cause position: 20
    Race position: 312